Pop! Feel Good Stretch
Feel good, anytime, full-body stretching! Great for morning, night, after a run or a class, whenever you feel like taking some q.t. for yourself.
*Vocal Instruction
GEAR recommended: mat!
Music by Brad Cook & Alicia Bognano.
or feel free to sync up this stretchy playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/06x2nMwdqurwl0YCETfK5n?si=JQItbhDpQiqEjmCK7ITGFw
Consult your physician or health care specialist before performing any of the exercises on this channel. You should obtain specific approval before attempting these classes. If you have any chronic or recurring physical conditions, and/or if you are pregnant, postnatal, nursing, or elderly. The instruction presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical advice or counseling.